Evan Connell: A Brief Introduction

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The Story Center at the Mid-Continent Public Library asked me to present a program on Connell for its series marking the Missouri Bicentennial. Connell, of course, was a Missouri native, born in Kansas City. He reveals a bit of his Missouri heritage in at least one early book, though in general he left Kansas City far behind as he settled in San Francisco, Sausalito, and, finally, Santa Fe, N.M. In any case, I put together a slide show. Many of the images will appear in Literary Alchemist: The Writing Life of Evan S. Connell, which is scheduled to come out by the end of 2021. And I strung together a series of brief capsules on aspects of Connell’s life and work, which I offered as a few dozen things you will learn about Connell in the book. Here is a link to the FB live program. The show is also expected to live on the Story Center’s YouTube channel.
